Cool Air USA

Most Popular Air Conditioning Service Brand In Miami

Life can be hard, when the weather turns hot. We feel uncomfortable and sluggish in hot summers. Buying an air conditioner from miami air conditioning contractor is a smart choice. It is always advisable to choose the air conditioning brand that is the most popular one in the market. Trane, Rheem, Goodman and Carrier are some of the popular air conditioning brands that enhance your comfort even in extremely hot weather conditions.


Trane is one of the top brands in air conditioners. You can find an array of high quality products under this brand. Trane air conditioners are made with durable materials. The first thing you need to look for in air conditioners is its BTU (British Thermal Units). The air conditioners that have higher BTU value are considered as good. The air conditioners come under Trane brand has the cooling capacity ranging from 66,000 to 190,000 BTU per hour. Energy Efficiency rating (EER) of an air conditioner is yet another important thing to look for. Air conditioners with high EER are good, as they cost you less to operate. Trane’s XR13 air conditioner comes with the EER of 14.


Rheem is one of the most popular air conditioning brands. It offers superior quality products with the latest technologies and reliable performance. The prestige Series JEC Rheem air conditioners come with the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating of 18, which assures their ultra high efficiency. JEZ air conditioning units are designed to offer comfort, energy conservation and reliability. Its LED display on the control boards shows the contractor the source of malfunctions quickly, so that he can service or repair the unit easily. The Thermostat communication capability in this series alerts you, when servicing is required. This assures your home comfort, providing you complete peace of mind.


Goodman air conditioners are available for affordable prices. They keep your home cool and comfortable, even on hottest days. They offer high efficiency and conserve energy. DSXC18 air conditioning unit from Goodman comes with plenty of useful features like compatible ComfortNet communication system, chlorine free refrigerant, built in comfort alert diagnosis and diagnostic indicator lights. All these features make it the most popular air conditioning brand in the market. SSX series air conditioners from Goodman are also famous among many homeowners. They offer quite and environmentally friendly performance. All the functional parts in this series come with 10 year limited warranty.


Carrier is one of the leading air conditioner brands. The company is committed to create comfortable environments at home and office. Residential Window AC from Carrier is available in three different ranges- Durakool, Estrella and GenX. Durakool range comes with effective air flow technology, dust filter, auto swing and auto restart. Estrella range Window AC has several helpful features like energy saver, intelligent sleep mode and rotary compressor. Ducted Air conditioning unit has multiple compressors that help to save 30% of power. Carrier Simpak features anti mold treated filter and drain pan, powerful moisture removal, anti mild treated filter and much more.